Universal Transaction Gateway
Using Legacy External Devices
© 2019 Shift4 Payments, LLC. All rights reserved.
Version 1.4
External Use NDA
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Select the Baud Rate:
(1) = 1200
(2) = 2400
(3) = 4800
(4) = 9600 (recommended setting)
Verify the baud rate entered in the UTG Stub matches the baud rate selected on the Verifone
PINpad 1000 device. If the Verifone PINpad 1000 is connected directly to the UTG, set the baud rate
to 9600.
Other Settings
Verify that the following settings have been applied on the UTG Stub IP to Serial window:
Data Bits (Byte Size): 7
Parity: Even
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Configuring Verifone SC 5000
Resetting the Device
To verify the Verifone
SC 5000 settings, complete the following steps:
Disconnect and then reconnect the power cord to reset the device.
Use the
arrow buttons to change the options:
Baud rate:
(1) = 19200