Connecting a wireless transmitter in POI
In POI versions with wireless it is necessary to pair the fixture with a new transmitter (by default the fixture is linked to the SGM
factory transmitter).
In order to do so, take the magnet that comes with the fixture, place it close to the LED indicator, and wait 3 seconds. The LED
indicator will blink in orange to show that it can be paired to a new transmitter. Go to the wireless transmitter and press “connect” or
“link”. Now the external third-party transmitter and the internal SGM receiver should be linked together.
To link it with another transmitter, repeat the process.
Disconnecting a wireless transmitter in POI
To disconnect the fixture from the currently paired wireless transmitter, simply hold the magnet over the LED indicator.
The LED blink orange for 3 seconds and after that the LED changes to green. The fixture is now logged off.