Electrical installation
Additional installation instructions for group drives
Operating Instructions – MOVIFIT
Additional installation instructions for group drives
The following figure shows the prescribed installation for group drives with MOVIFIT
When installing such group drives, also follow the installation instructions below:
• The total of the nominal motor currents must not exceed the nominal unit current of
• Connect no more than 3 motors in parallel connection to the MOVIFIT
FC unit.
The sum of the rated motor currents may not exceed the MOVIFIT
FC nominal
unit current.
• The sum of all cable sections between MOVIFIT
FC and the motors may not ex-
ceed 15 m.
• Temperature monitoring of 2 motors is permitted with a TF temperature sensor for
each motor.
If you are using more than 2 motors, each motor must be equipped with a TH tem-
perature switch.
Connect the TFs/THs in series connection to the MOVIFIT
FC unit.
• The motor brakes may be controlled using constant voltage only (alternative brake
control system at startup using MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio). The nominal voltage
of all connected brakes must be equal.
• For more information on motor/brake startup, refer to the MOVIFIT
function level
"Classic" or "Technology" manual.
• When several motors are controlled by a MOVIFIT
FC drive (group drive), the in-
ternal motor protection model does not protect the connected motors against over-
This is why the drive must be equipped with an internal or external braking resis-
tor. The braking resistor dissipates the regenerative energy during deceleration.
21316996/EN – 12/2014