Operating Instructions – MOVIFIT
Procedure in case maintenance has been neglected
The capacitors used in the inverters are subject to aging effects when de-energized.
This effect can damage the capacitors if the unit is connected using the nominal volt-
age after a longer period of storage. If you have not performed maintenance regularly,
EURODRIVE recommends that you increase the line voltage slowly up to the
maximum voltage. This can be done, for example, by using a variable transformer for
which the output voltage has been set according to the following overview. After you
have completed the regeneration process, the unit can be used immediately or stored
again for an extended period with maintenance.
The following stages are recommended:
AC 400/500 V units:
• Stage 1: AC 0 V to AC 350 V within a few seconds
• Stage 2: AC 350 V for 15 minutes
• Stage 3: AC 420 V for 15 minutes
• Stage 4: AC 500 V for 1 hour
This product consists of:
• Iron
• Aluminum
• Copper
• Plastics
• Electronic components
Dispose of all components in accordance with applicable regulations!
21316996/EN – 12/2014