Step 9.
Repeat the same procedure as in Step 8 to enter the second calibration data point.
(Enter a number b31999 and -9999.)
After the second calibration data point has been accepted, the meter will display
"bUSY" for 10 seconds and then return to normal operating mode and immediately
begin reporting.
A channel of the DATUM 2000™ can be permanently deactivated by calibrating
the channel and entering zero for both pressure points. If you wish to erase the
calibration of a channel, follow the procedure beginning with Step 1, on page 18. In
Step 5, Select "CAL U". In step 7, 7a and 7b, set the decimal point to the first position.
In Steps 8 and 9, enter a value of 0. (It does not matter what, if any, voltage or current
signals are applied to the DATUM 2000™ when you use the calibration procedure to
erase a channel, as long as they do not exceed the DATUM's input specifications.)
10.0 Erasing calibration in a channel
(Please read before attempting procedure)