1.0 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing a Setra DATUM 2000™ meter or manometer.
Setra’s DATUM 2000™ is a compact dual channel meter with a 4 1/2 digit LED display
designed to mate with one or two transducers or transmitters with a connection.
The DATUM 2000™ manometer is a single unit which combines a DATUM 2000™
meter with a Setra transducer. The Setra transducer is connected to the Channel
One inputs of the manometer, with Channel Two inputs available for external
connection to another Setra transducer or transmitter.
The DATUM 2000™ meter and manometer are easy to use and install and may be
used on a benchtop or panel-mounted.
Please familiarize yourself with each set of instructions before attempting to install
you meter or manometer or perform a procedure. The meter has a “time-out” safety
feature to prevent miscalibration. Every time a new message is displayed during a
procedure, you have 30 seconds to respond. If you don’t respond within 30 seconds
the meter will reset itself to normal operation.