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Version 1.27
Importing a borehole field
MonSX offers the possibility to import boreholes and borehole fields. Therefore a text file is used
that may contain either local or WGS84 coordinates.
The SENSYS software DLMGPS can be used to create import files with WGS84
Please be aware that the import is limited to 2000 boreholes per field. To import more
boreholes in one project split the import file and create separate fields within one project.
Please find an example of import possibilities in the figure below.
1) Borehole name for local format; 2) X-Coordinate; 3) Y-Coordinate; 4) Borehole name for WGS84-Format
5) Latitude; 6) Longitude; 7) Altitude (optional)
The text file needs to be stored in the project folder. Therefore tap "File Explorer" (8) in the start
screen of the PDA, open the folder " SENSYS_Projects" (9) and copy and paste the text file (11)
from a PC or USB stick in the relevant project folder (10).