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Version 1.27
- Mode 2 for the detection of large objects
- Mode 3 for surveying in the presence of magnetic interference fields.
There is no difference in carrying out the survey for the three modes.
Make sure to compensate the device prior to starting the survey.
Step 3
: Proceed to the survey area and traverse the marked survey swathes. Keep the probe
vertical and maintain a height above ground of approx. 10cm. Avoid any oscillating probe
Step 4
: When it comes to selecting the right measurement range, start with the smallest range
and switch to the next higher range if the pointer hits one of the stops. The pointer deflection
should always be as large as possible without hitting the stop at the end of the scale.
Step 5
: Locating Objects
If you have a positive or negative reading on your SBL10 unit, then try to find the maximum and
mark the spot. This can be the maximum (positive) or the minimum (negative) value.
As a next step try to find the opposite pole belonging to the one you’ve just marked.
A) If there is no other pole to be found, it is likely the object is buried in an upright position. In that
case the maximum or minimum is considered to be the magnetic center of the object.
B) If you do find the opposite pole which is apparently belonging to the one you’ve previously
marked, survey the thought line between the maximum and the minimum and mark the spot where
the pointer of your display is pointing to zero. This is the magnetic center of this object. Starting
from that point move the probe orthogonally to your thought line to the left and to the right. The
readings in that direction should be small.
The magnetic center of an object is the center of the magnetic dipole of an object. This
is in most cases, but not always, matching the geometric center of an object.
Large objects that are located deep in the ground very often have a minimum and a
maximum that are separated by several meters. In this case it makes sense to mark
the minimum with a blue flag and the maximum with a red flag before starting to locate
the center of the object in between these two points.