+49 33631 59 650
[email protected]
w w w .sensys.de
10 / 69
Version 1.27
The conditions of measurement as well as the physical limits of the device need to be considered
when working with the SBL10. Only trained staff should work with the device.
Before starting to work with the device, the operator needs to make sure to be free of
any metal (e.g. belt buckle, mobile phone, keys, etc.). Otherwise this metal, in particular
when it has ferromagnetic properties, will falsify the measurement results.
The operator also needs to perform a function test before starting to work with the device. An
explanation on how to carry out this test is given in
When being used for EOD purposes, the device may only be used by specially qualified
and trained staff.
The national regulations for explosive ordnance disposal need to be followed at any time
when working with the device!