Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
Page 49 of 106
Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
Generally, what do the colors; Green, Orange and Red indicate? Classify the actions to take,
dependent only on the color in the Display.
Green Orange
Ok to proceed.
Do not step on.
Error condition, step off in a
controlled manner or do not step on.
Describe the expressions of the faces in the Display. What are they telling you?
Smile Straight-faced
Happy: all systems go.
Concerned: Reduced
performance. Slow down,
proceed with caution.
Unhappy: Error condition detected.
Step off in a controlled manner or do
not step on.
1. Do not attempt to restart the Segway HT until…(finish the sentence)
The Display completely fades. Analogy: Don’t press your start button on your pc after you turn it
off, until it has completed it’s shutdown cycle.
2. How do you start the Segway HT?
Start the Segway HT with the key – not with the Mode Button.
3. How do you turn off the Segway HT?
Turn off the Segway HT with the Mode Button. Hold it down for 2 seconds. Rider must be off the
Platform before the 2 seconds begin.
4. How do you change from Power Assist Mode to Balance Mode?
Change modes with the Mode Button. Tap the Mode Button once to change from Power Assist to
Balance Mode, and vice versa.
5. Why might you get a red frown when changing from Power Assist Mode to Balance Mode?
I might get a red frown when changing into Balance Mode because
a) My i-Series Segway HT does not have a level Platform, or
b) My e-Series Segway HT does not have a vertical Control Shaft.
6. Can you ever ride the Segway HT in Power Assist Mode?
7. What Display should you see BEFORE you step onto the Segway HT?
You should see a green smiling face with multiple battery segments.
8. In Power Assist Mode, turning the Steering Grip will result in what motion?
The Steering Grip will move the Segway HT forward and backward while in Power Assist Mode.
Keep your shins clear of the Segway HT.