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Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
Upon completion of the First Ride the rider should be able to:
Interpret the meaning of Display icons by referencing the training materials
Identify and explain Power Assist and Balance Modes
Step on and off the Segway HT with guidance
Perform straight line maneuvers: forward and reverse
Stop the Segway HT on command
Turn the Segway HT 360
in its own footprint, both right and left
Ride the Segway HT around an oval maintaining speed control and executing gentle turns
Upon completion of the Skills & Drills the rider should be able to:
Retract Parking Stand properly (i Series only)
Turn Segway HT on and off
Step on and step off from the Segway HT without guidance
Change from Balance to Power Assist without guidance
Walk with Segway HT in Power Assist Mode.
Stop on command
Ride on flat ground without guidance
Turn smoothly on command and without hesitation as well as in response to terrain features
Lean while turning
Ride on flat ground
Interpret meanings of the Display icons
In addition, riders on e Series models should be able to
Move an e Series model in and out of E-Stand
Distribute weight correctly in bags on an e Series model
Understand Rider Detection and E-Stand behavior
The following topics will be covered in this session:
Segway HT Model Comparison
Demonstration and Guided Ride
Riding Form
Parking Stand Deployment and Retraction (i Series only)
Key Choice
Stepping On
Loading and Unloading Cargo (e Series only)
Display Messages