Prot . Assign Ext. Reset
[Device Para / Reset]
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Without Inputs
• “-”
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Without Inputs
• “-”
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Ext. Trip
• “-”
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Ext. Trip, Ext. Reset
• Prot . DI 1
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Configurable
• “-”, Prot . DI 1, Prot . DI 2
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Configurable Inputs
• “-”, Prot . DI 1, Prot . DI 2
Assign an digital input signal that, when it becomes true, will reset all latched LEDs, all DiggiMEC Flag Indicators, and
a fault/trip info that might be visible on the DiggiMEC display.
Prot . Def. Autom. Reset
[Device Para / Reset]
New Pickup or After 8 h
OFF (=No Autom. Reset) . . . New Pickup or After 10 s
The automatic reset will reset all latched LEDs, all DiggiMEC Flag Indicators, and a fault/trip info that might be visible
on the DiggiMEC display. This is done depending on this setting, when a new protection pickup occurs or after a
particular time has elapsed.
Prot . Meth.Detect.Bkr.Pos.
[Protection Para / Breaker & Trip]
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Without Inputs
• Current-Based
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Without Inputs
• Current-Based
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Ext. Trip
• Current-Based
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Ext. Trip, Ext. Reset
• Current-Based
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Configurable
• Current-Based
If: Device Variant/Inputs = Configurable Inputs
• Current-Based, Aux-Based, Current and Aux
Select the method to be used to determine the connected breaker position.
7 Protection Parameter
7.2 Prot: Settings