16.3.4 Data separator
A comma "," possibly followed and/or preceded by one or several "filling" characters in ASCII code (0 to 32, decimal
except 10 and 13).
16.3.5 Data
There are several types of data: Alphanumeric data
1 to 12-character words that can be alphabetic (upper case or lower case), digital or "_" (95d) coded under ASCII.
Words always start with an alphabetic character.
For example, for a non-digital parameter: S1M. Decimal digital data
Made of a mantissa and possibly of an exponent, and shown as a chain of ASCII characters starting with a cipher or a
sign (+ or -). They are of NR1 (integer), NR2 (decimal) or NR3 type (with exponent) or of a combination of these three
types. Text
Any chain of ASCII 7-bit characters between brackets (") or apostrophes (’). Example: "Channel 1"
16.4 Message Response Format
Exchanges from a recorder to a controller to the recorder are made as messages made of a chain of ASCII characters
(and possibly of binary bytes) with a message termination at the end.
The format of emission messages is identical to the reception messages, although with a more rigid structure.
The syntax of a response message is:
Message unit + message termination.
Message unit
If the message includes several message units, they shall be separated by a semicolon ";".
Message termination
LF: Line Feed (10 in decimal format)
16.4.1 Syntax
A message unit (ex. TYP:THE J,COMP) is made of several fields: Single Header
) made of only one (simple header) or several (compounds header) chains of 1 to 12 alphanumeric
characters (upper scale only or digital or "_" (code ASCII 95 in decimal format).
A header chain always starts with an alphabetic character.
In a compound header, chains of characters are separated by ":" (ex. TYP
Header separator
"space" (32d) only.
One or several pieces of data
) alphanumeric, digital or compounds of any characters or binary bytes.