Operation Manual
OCR-504 Multispectral Radiometer
was applied.
indicates that a
command was issued to the
instrument to reboot itself.
may mean that a brown out (or brief
interruption in power input) occurred and the processor reset itself.
The next line of this section gives instructions on how to access the
. In most cases, the command console would be accessed during
normal operation. If this is done during the initialization sequence, the
instrument will be forced into autonomous operation before the console is
displayed. This gives the ability to break into the command console even if the
instrument is configured to run in a network. Note that the command console is
not displayed until the initialization sequence completes. See section
E -
for more information on accessing and using the command
Once the initialization sequence has finished, normal operation begins. If silent
mode is disabled, one of the following messages will be output, depending on
which operating mode is enabled.
Autonomous operation enabled.
Network operation enabled.
Autonomous Operation
Autonomous, or stand-alone, operation for the OCR-504 is defined as the
continuous operation of the instrument outside the scope of a network. This is
the default mode of operation for the instrument. Autonomous operation uses
only the telemetry interface for communication and telemetry output. The
network interface is disabled.
During autonomous operation, the default behavior of the instrument is to
continually sample its optical sensors and output telemetry on the RS-232 and
RS-422 telemetry interfaces. When the instrument is used in the field, this
telemetry would be collected and saved to a storage medium. Generally, a data
acquisition application like SatView would be used. If you are using your OCR-
504 in an embedded system, another mode of telemetry acquisition may be
more appropriate. When telemetry output is free-running, as described above,
no user input is required to operate the instrument.
However, telemetry output can also be controlled with simple commands sent
to the instrument through the telemetry interface. As this involves two-way
communication, only the RS-232 telemetry interface can be used. These
commands are simple one-byte transmissions. In an embedded or larger scale
system, the data acquisition software could use this feature to finely control
telemetry output and instrument operation. These commands can also be sent
directly by the user with a terminal emulation program, as discussed in section
The following table defines these command bytes and their effect on the
instrument. All commands, which are standard with all SatNet™ compliant
instruments, are ASCII control characters. They are not echoed back so if you
are using a terminal emulator to send these commands, you will not see any
command values on the screen. For example, in a terminal emulation program,