CHAPTER 11. Warnings, Precautions and Limitations
Discard test strip after using. Strips are to be read once. Never insert or read a used test strip.
Do not ingest.
Discard the used test strip according to local regulations.
Store and transport analyzer at -20~50°C (-4~122°F) and 10%-93%RH.
1. Test Strip for Lipid
Make sure the codechip number matches the lipid test strip code number. Never use a codechip from a different lot.
Out-of-date or expired strips cannot be used in your test system. Check the expiration date in the package or pouch.
Add all of the blood to the lipid test strip at one time. If you do not get all of the blood on the strip, do not add more blood to the same strip. Test again
with a new test strip and fresh blood sample.
Venous whole blood, serum and plasma is only for professional use.
2. Test Strip for Glucose
Use only fresh capillary blood. Do not use serum or plasma or venous whole blood.
The STANDARD LipidoCare System is not designed to be a substitute for pathology laboratory equipment and should not be used for the diagnosis of
Extremes in hematocrit may affect test results. Hematocrit levels less than 20% may cause falsely high readings. Hematocrit levels greater than 60%
may cause falsely low readings.
Not intended for screening or diagnosis or for use on neonates.
Never make significant changes to your diabetes control program or ignore physical symptoms without consulting with your healthcare professional.
Severe dehydration (excessive water loss) may cause false low results. If you believe you are suffering from dehydration, consult your healthcare
professional right away.
Inaccurate results may occur in severely hypotensive individuals or patients in shock. Inaccurate low results may occur for individuals experiencing a
hyperglycemichyperosmolar state, with or without ketosis. Critically ill patients should not be tested with the Analyzer.
CHAPTER 12. Product Technical Information
1. Analyzer Specifications
Battery Operation
4 AAA 1.5 V, Alkaline batteries
Battery Life
Around 1,000 tests
4 Buttons (SET/PRT, ON/OFF, arrow: >/<)
500 results
Automatic Shutoff
1 minute after last user action without inserting test strip into the Analyzer
5 minutes after last user action when inserting test strip into the Analyzer