Performance Verification
NIBP overpressure test
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source, and then press Power button to turn the
monitor on.
2. Press Mode button. Set to Adult patient type and NIBP target pressure, 270mmHg.
3. Place the adult cuff with a rigid PVC vessel (9cm diameter). Connect the cuff and the
adult hose to NIBP simulator. Then connect the adult hose to the monitor.
4. Set NIBP simulator to Pressure relief or Overpressure test mode.
5. Press NIBP start/stop button of the monitor as simultaneously pressing start button of
NIBP simulator. NIBP simulator pressurizes the system until the monitor’s over-
pressure relief system activates.
6. Verify that peak point displayed on NIBP simulator (point of protection pressure) is
within 300mmHg.
Also this point of protection pressure may be verified at the moment of the monitor’s
NIBP valve of relieved.
NIBP transducer accuracy test
1. Follow the procedure of NIBP air leakage test specified above.
2. During the deflation of the cuff pressure, verify that the difference is within ±3mmHg
between monitor’s current pressure and simulator’s current pressure.
Pulse Oximetry Operation
If SpO
option installed, the following test procedures will verify SpO
1. Connect the monitor to an AC power source.
2. Turn on the monitor by pressing Power button.
3. Connect SpO
simulator to the pulse oximetry cable and connect the cable to the
4. Set SpO
simulator as follows: SpO
of 75% and pulse rate of 60 bpm.
5. The monitor will:
- sound an audible alarm
- display an SpO
of 75 ±2 digits (flashing)
- display a pulse rate of 60 ±3 bpm
- display Pulse amplitude indicator
6. Disconnect the pulse oximetry cable from the monitor.
7. Verify that the monitor displays an error code, E42 and sounds audible alarm.
Service Manual 19