Technical Data subject to change without prior notice
BAL 531.01
for permanent magnetic lifting magnet
- Never use load lifting magnets without having read and understood these operating
- Do not remove any labels or warning signs from the magnet.
- Never stand under a suspended load.
- Never transport anything above or close to any persons.
- Never use the lifting magnet for lifting or transporting persons.
- Warn bystanders when the lifting begins.
- Always use safety hooks to prevent shackle from slipping out of the hook.
- Never exceed the specified lifting capacities and workpiece dimensions.
- Do not use any damaged or poorly functioning equipment.
- Do not switch the magnet on unless it is in contact with the load.
- Do not switch the magnet off before the load is secured.
- Never lift several workpieces at the time.
- Never leave a suspended load.
- Temperature of load or surrouding air may not exceed 80 °C.
c) Safety instructions:
d) Authorized operators:
Solely authorized persons are allowed to work with lifting magnets in order to eliminate potential
mistakes and hazards. The operator is responsible to third parties / persons present in the
working area. The competences for different activities at the workplace must be clearly defined
and observed. The operating company must make these operating instructions available
to the operating personnel and assure that the operator has read and understood them.
The operator‘s workplace is likely to be at several areas on the workshop floor. The magnet
with load is in close proximity. Adequate lifting equipment with appropriate lift capacity is to
be provided for. General health and safety rules are to be strictly observed.
e) Workplace:
f) Personal protective equipment:
Always wear safety shoes, safety glasses, a helmet and protective gloves.