SRT45 Off-Highway Truck
Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual
8.2 Lubrication and Maintenance
Lubrication is an essential part of preventive
m a i n t e n a n c e . I t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e
instructions, regarding types of lubricants and
the frequency of their application, be followed
to prolong the useful life of the truck. Periodic
lubrication of moving parts reduces to a
minimum the possibility of mechanical failures.
These trucks s are equipped with
engine and transmission oil pans
which permit operation on longitudinal
slopes up to 30° (60%). For operation
on steeper slopes, the factory should
be consulted.
A l l c h a n g e a n d s e r v i c e p e r i o d s a r e
recommendations based on average operating
conditions. Lubricants showing evidence of
excessive heat, oxidation or dirt should be
changed more frequently to prevent these
Lubricant change and service periods must
be established on the basis of individual
job conditions utilizing oil sampling and
recommendations from lubricant suppliers.
Thoroughly clean all fittings, caps, plugs etc.,
to prevent dirt from entering any system while
carrying out servicing procedures. Lubricants
must be at operating temperature when
: Do not operate any system unless oil
level is within the recommended operating
levels as indicated on oil level dipstick, sight
gauge or level plug.
Lubrication and Servicing