SRT45 Off-Highway Truck
Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual
duty cycles where performance rather than
fuel economy is of prime importance.
T h e E C O N O M Y m o d e i s d e s i g n e d f o r
applications involving lighter loads and level
duty cycles or where fuel economy is more
important than performance.
In the ECONOMY mode, the ECU controls
operation of the lockup clutch with a timed,
preprogrammed schedule where in second
through sixth gears the lockup clutch is
disengaged only long enough to allow the
torque converter’s fluid coupling to absorb
shift shock. Otherwise, the lockup clutch is
engaged and no torque multiplication takes
place in Second through Sixth gears.
(5)Reversing switch-This switch is provided for
reversing function,Operator can use.
(6)Diagnosis switch -- This switch is provided
for the professional service technician of the
engine, and is used to retrieve fault codes of
the engine. By default, this switch is opened
by pressing its bottom (lower) part.
(7) Stall check -- This switch is provided for
the professional service technician of the
transmission, and is used to test the matching
between the transmission and the engine
output torque. By default, this switch is opened
by pressing its top (upper) part.
(8)Idling adjustment switch-This switch is
provided for idling adjustment function,
operator can use to increase or decrease
(9)Transmission over speed indicator (Red)
-- Illuminates when the transmission ECU
senses engine speed above 2350 r/min.
(10) Transmission fault indicator(Red) --
Illuminates to alert of a minor fault in the
t r a n s m i s s i o n s h i f t s y s t e m o r a b n o r m a l
transmission temperature. The warning
indicator will come 'On' when the ignition key
switch is turned to position '1' to provide a bulb
and system check and should go 'Off' a few
seconds after the engine is started and the
transmission oil pressure rises.
Controls and Operating