It is important to install the pumping station when it is not freezing.
Frost damage may result in damage to the piping and pump.
It is important to take into account the regional freezing depth.
When the pumping station is installed in an environment where temperatures are
below zero, it must be insulated in accordance with local recommendations.
The risk of frost can be limited by burying the station deeper; as accessories, SFA offers 30 cm
extensions for SANIFOS
280, 40 cm extensions for SANIFOS
610 and SANIFOS
• The characteristics shown on the rating plate have been compared with those on the order and installation (supply
voltage, frequency).
• The work has been prepared in accordance with the dimensions shown in the example installation and standard EN
Stop valves
(provided with certain devices) must be fitted on the effluent inlets as well as on the discharge line, as
close as possible to the pumping station.
Note :
External valves are not supplied.
Note :
• The pumping station must be ventilated.
• The pumped fluid is appropriate and authorised by this documentation (see section 3.5, page 12).
• In case of discharge of greasy effluents, the use of a degrease tap is essential.
Wastewater other than those mentioned above, for example, of artisanal or industrial origin, must not be discharged
into the pipes without prior treatment.
The pumping station purchasing adviser and the installation company must have a perfect knowledge of the nature of
the soil, of any presence of ground water, in order to define the civil engineering of their project, and therefore how
the tank will be buried.
How are SANIFOS tanks buried underground?
• Choose a suitable location for the station's installation. In principle it should be installed at a lower floor height than
the drained elements to allow a drop of the elements(s) in the station.
• Check there are no underground communal cables, conduits or pipes.
• Hollow out the pit.
The bottom of the pit must be flat and horizontal.
The depth of the pit must allow a slope of between 1 and 3% for the wastewater pipes entering the station.
• The excavation should be at most 500 mm deeper than the depth or overall length of the tank. If the excavation is
done by hand, the sides should be propped to prevent any landslip.
• A clean ballast should be spread out and secured at the bottom of the excavation. It should be about 200 mm thick.
• If the bottom of the pit is made of concrete, attach the tank to the ground by its anchor points.