Frame Relay for Sangoma Cards (C) Sangoma Technologies Inc. 1999,2000,2001 Page 50 of 78
Configure the adapter to discard or store received Information frames.
By default, the adapter is set to store all valid incoming I-frames and make them available for the
application once communications have been enabled. If the application is not able to process these
queued frames, then this may result in the receiver on the adapter being temporarily disabled to avoid
buffer overruns. Therefore, the application may wish to temporarily discard incoming I-frames if the
host PC is unable to process them.
Control Block values to be set on entry:
Set to 0x01.
Offset 0x00 is set as follows:
0x00 - buffer incoming I-frames for passing to the application.
0x01- discard incoming I-frames.
Control Block values set on return:
0x00 The action has been performed successfully.
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14
See Section "Notes on Return Codes" for further details.