Frame Relay for Sangoma Cards (C) Sangoma Technologies Inc. 1999,2000,2001 Page 23 of 78
Control Block values set on return:
The action has been performed successfully.
Disable communications before executing this command on DLCI zero.
For a configuration command on DLCI 0x00:
An invalid DLCI was passed in the DLCI list, i.e., the DLCI was either
zero or was outside the valid 16 to 991 range.
For a configuration command on a non-zero DLCI:
The DLCI selected is invalid (i.e., it was not included in the DLCIs
listed in the global SET_DLCI_CONFIGURATION command).
The passed configuration data was of excessive length.
A configuration parameter was out of the valid range. The BUFFER_LENGTH
indicates the offset within the DATA area of the invalid parameter.
The configured Bc plus Be is greater than the permitted maximum of 512 kbits.
The selected maximum data length is excessive for setting up the internal frame
relay receive buffers. Offset 0x00-0x01 of the data area contains the permitted
maximum data length for a successful configuration. If this returned data length
is sufficient for the requirements of the application, then the
SET_DLCI_CONFIGURATION should be re-issued using this value.
Otherwise, decrease the transmit/receive buffer ratio in the miscellaneous frame
relay configuration bits so as to increase the amount of receive buffer allocated.
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x1F
See Section "Notes on Return Codes" for further details.