Frame Relay for Sangoma Cards (C) Sangoma Technologies Inc. 1999,2000,2001 Page 42 of 78
This command pertains only to a station configured as an Access Node and is used to define which
DLCIs will be reported as 'active' in the next returned Full Status message.
Control Block values to be set on entry:
Set to twice the number of DLCIs to be activated.
Offset 0x00 - 0xNN: a list of all DLCIs to be activated. Each DLCI is represented by
a 2- byte unsigned hexadecimal value, and a maximum of 100 DLCIs may be listed. Note that DLCIs
must have been 'added' before being 'activated'.
Control Block values set on return:
0x00 The action has been performed successfully.
0x04 An invalid DLCI was listed.
0x05 The length of the DLCI list was excessive.
0x07 The command is invalid for a station configured as a CPE.
0x08 A listed DLCI has not been 'added' and may therefore not be 'activated'.
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x1F
See Section "Notes on Return Codes" for further details.