to deactivate the service in the future. The Until… Scheduling options are, a number of hours, 1 to 9, the end of
the current business day, based on the subscriber's current availability schedule, for the beginning of the next
business day, also based on the sub-scriber's current availability schedule, a day of the coming week, Monday
through Sunday, a specific date, hour and minute, or until further notice.
Urgent Messages
Messages left by and for subscribers may be flagged as Urgent. Urgent messages are played
first and notification may be configured to only alert you for these urgent messages.
Volume Control
The SVM/SVMi E-Series supports two message playback volumes. This allows you to hear the
message in a convenient manner. You can press '77' during message playback to toggle between two volume
Activity Display
While the SVM/SVMi E-Series system is running, a connected administration terminal will show
useful statistics about the system. Number of calls, average calls per week, number of times all ports were busy,
total messages and space available.
Administrators Mailbox
A subscriber designated as a Mailbox Administrator is given the added functionality
when they log in to be able to record and send a broadcast message.
Auto Delete Subscribers
Unused subscribers are automatically deleted after a programmable period of disuse.
This prevents unauthorized users from 'High-Jacking' unused mailboxes.
Automatic Setup
When the SVM/SVMi E-Series is first installed, a range of mailboxes matching the system's data-
base is created. This reduces set up time.
Back Up And Restore
The customer database can be saved and restored at a later date. This is useful in a num-
ber of maintenance scenarios. Additional hardware is necessary to accomplish this.
Default Operation
The SVM/SVMi E-Series is designed to be in operation as soon as it is installed.
Password Security
All administration is under password control to prevent unauthorized access.
Programming - On Site Or Remote
By logging in from a touch tone telephone, the designated system adminis-
trator can perform routine activities by using the System Administration Special Menu. These activities include
recording custom system prompts, Adding/Deleting/Modifying subscribers, and switching scheduled modes of
operation. This makes routine administration easy and convenient.
If set up on a customer's LAN (only available on the SVMi-8E and SVMi-16E) with remote access permissions, the
terminal administration can be accessed from anywhere through an internet connection.
The SVMi-16E also has a build in soft modem. This modem can be used from any port and is accessed through a
unspoken option in DTMF System Administration. The soft modem also allows terminal administration from out-
side of the installed location.
If an external Modem is installed and connected to the SIO of any of the SVM/SVMi E-Series units, full access to
system programming can be performed from any remote location.
Subscriber Administration
When logging into the System Administrator Menu the System Administrator can
access Subscriber Administration. While with in Subscriber Administration you can Add/Delete/Modify
Subscribers with in the SVM system. If you select to modify a subscriber, you can default their password, record
their name, enter their directory name, enable/disable extended prompting, and record their Mailbox Greeting.
Software Features