Auto time update
: Choose if you want the mobile
phone network to update time, date, and time zone
information to your phone (network service).
: For the
Auto time update
setting to take effect, the
phone needs to be restarted.
: Turn on or off Daylight Savings Time.
Security settings
Phone and SIM
Explanations for the different security codes that may
be needed:
PIN code
4 to 8 digits
): The PIN (Personal
Identification Number) code protects your SIM card
against unauthorised use. The PIN code is usually
supplied with the SIM card.
After 3 consecutive incorrect PIN code entries, the PIN
code is blocked. If the PIN code is blocked, you need
to unblock the PIN code before you can use the SIM
card again. See the information about the PUK (PIN
Unblocking Key) code.
PIN2 code
4 to 8 digits
): The PIN2 code, supplied
with some SIM cards, is required to access some
functions, such as call cost counters.