OfficeServ 7070 System Description/Ed.02OfficeServ 7070 System Description/Ed.02
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
2-25 DS-4000 Series
The DS-4000 series phone provides not only the voice call and data transmission functions
but also the advanced functions, such as dual LED button, 2×16 character LCD, and multi-
functional display.
Figure 2.18 DS-4028D DS-5000 Series
The ITP-5012L is a large LCD phone, which allows the users to transmit data, make calls
using a handset/speaker phone, or use the full-duplex speaker phone. In addition, the
Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface (sharable with a cellular phone) is supported and
various functions are provided through the LCD.
The button operation is also more convenient in comparison to other phones. This is
because the navigation buttons, as well as the normal buttons, are provided. The phonebook
function and the call recording function are also provided. For more information on how to
use the DS-5012L phone, refer to the ‘OfficeServ Digital phone DS-5012L User Guide’.
Figure 2.19 DS-5012L
Connecting DS-5012L Phones to the System
The user can connect up to twelve DS-5012L phones to the OfficeServ 7070.
Install a 4DLM board into an expansion slot of the BMP (MAIN part) itself, BMP
(B8S part) or E8S board.