Web Monitoring and SNMP
Refer to Fig 13.7 for Page for E-mail Notification.
This page provides an interface for users to setup
E-mail related settings. A notification E-mail will
be sent when the selected warning(s) occur.
13.3.1 Enable E-Mail Notification
Check this box to enable this feature.
13.3.2 SMTP Server & SMTP Port
Users must provide the SMTP Server & SMTP Port
they would like to use, like the way setting up
E-Mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook.
Ex: GMail (smtp.gmail.com), Yahoo (smtp.mail.
13.3.3 Login User & Login Password
Users need to provide login user name and login
password for the authentication by SMTP Server,
or leave “Login User” field empty to skip the
authentication process if SMTP Server do not
require one.
Some SMTP servers require “Transport Layer
Security”. Thus, the box, “Use TLS 1.1 Connection”,
should be checked.
13.3.4 From & To
The user’s E-Mail addresses are required. (Sending
an E-Mail to oneself is OK)
13.3.5 Timing Repeat Count
The E-Mail will be sent (Count+1) times when the
specified warning(s) occur continuously and are
NOT dismissed. (“No repeat” indicates only ONE
E-Mail will be sent)
Fig 13.7 Page for setting up E-mail notification Repeat Interval
The E-Mail will be sent again after (Interval) if the warning(s) were NOT dismissed.
13.3.6 Warning
Select the warning(s) that will trigger an E-Mail notification.
13.3.7 Send Test E-Mail Now
After finishing configuring, the user should do a test whether this unit can send an E-Mail on behalf of the
user’s account on the specified SMTP Server.