i) Voltage drop has been calculated by multiplying the Rated DC Input Current (Column 2) and the
resistance of the total length of Copper conductor (the total length of conductor has been taken as
2 times the running distance between the unit and the battery to cover 2 lengths of Positive and
Negative cable conductors).
ii) Resistance of the cable is based on Table 8.1.
5) Fuse in the battery circuit is primarily required for protection against short circuit in the battery cable
run. The size of this fuse has to be equal to or larger than the Rated DC Input Current of the inverter at
Column (2). Further, the Amp rating of the fuse used for protecting a battery cable against short circuit
has to be lower than the Ampacity of the cable so that the fuse blows before the cable insulation is
damaged due to overheating as a result of fault current higher than the Ampacity of the cable.
8.4.6 DC Input Terminals for Battery Connection
The DC input terminals for battery connection (10 & 11 in Fig. 6.2) have 7/6" diameter cylindrical hole with
Set Screw (5/16" x 24 TPI ; 1/2" long ; Slotted Head).
DO NOT insert the stranded bare end of the wire directly into the tubular hole as the set screw will
not pinch all the strands, resulting in a partial/loose contact. Appropriate terminal lug should be
crimped/soldered to the bare wire end.
To ensure firm contact, 2 pieces of pin type terminal lugs have been provided as follows:
For PSR-1200-24: 2 Lugs Type PTNB 35-20 for wire size AWG #2 (35 mm
For PSR-1200-48: 2 Lugs Type PTNB 10-12 for wire size AWG #8 (10 mm
8.4.7 Reducing RF Interference
Please comply with recommendations given in Section 3 – "Limiting Electromagnetic Interference".
1. The AC output of the inverter cannot be synchronized with another AC source and hence, it is
not suitable for paralleling. The AC output of the inverter should never be connected directly
to an electrical breaker panel / load center which is also fed from the utility power/ generator.
Such a connection will result in parallel operation and AC power from the utility / generator will
be fed back into the inverter which will instantly damage the output section of the inverter and
may also pose a fire and safety hazard. If an electrical breaker panel / load center is being fed
from the utility power / generator and the inverter is required to feed this panel as backup power
source, the AC power from the utility power/ generator and the inverter should first be fed to a
manual selector switch / Automatic Transfer Switch and the output of the manual selector switch
/ Automatic Transfer Switch should be connected to the electrical breaker panel / load center.
2. To prevent possibility of paralleling and severe damage to the inverter, never use a simple jumper
cable with a male plug on both ends to connect the AC output of the inverter to a handy wall
receptacle in the home / RV.