Take extreme care when filling,
emptying, or cleaning hoppers.
Read and follow product container
labels outlining the handling and storage
instructions of the chemical
Do not breathe, touch, or ingest
chemicals. Wear long sleeve clothing
and personal protective equipment
including safety goggles, gloves, and
breathing apparatus.
Clear the area of bystanders.
Wash exposed skin immediately- do not
leave chemicals on your skin. Wash
hands before eating.
Wash clothing and equipment
contaminated by chemicals.
In case of chemical poisoning seek
immediate medical attention. Have the
container label on hand.
Keep all chemicals out of the reach of
children and animals. Store in original
containers in a locked area.
Dispose of excess chemicals and
chemical containers in a proper manner.
Chemical Safety
Safety Instructions
Salford BBI Inc.
Page 9
Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1