The following chart can be used to help set the unit for an approximate application rate when
running the unit manually. This chart will yield a good starting place, however due to the variability
of bulk organics with respect to density, moisture and other characteristics, the operator should
expect to make some adjustments. Follow the instructions on checking density, setting roller rpm
and gate height. Run a calibration load and adjust as necessary until desired level of accuracy has
been achieved.
Field Operations - Setting Rate- Manual Operation
Endurance Pull-Type
88K Bar Chain
40 Ft. Swath
Estimated Material Applied Per Acre
Chart Usage Instructions:
1). Determine Product Density. See bottom of page 25 for instructions. Locate density on bottom of chart.
2). Move vertically to find approximate application rate.
3). When rate is located, move to the left to locate gate setting.
4). If using swath other than 40 Ft., adjust gate according to instructions below.
5). Set rear roller RPM (revolutions per minute). Ground speed (MPH) x 2.5.
Example: 6 MPH x 2.5 = 15 RPM (Revolutions Per Minute).
6). Run Calibration / Test Load (s). Adjust gate if necessary. Running a few test loads is normal in order to
achieve the desired level of accuracy.
If You Decrease Swath Width To:
If You Increase Swath Width To:
35 Ft. Lower Gate 12.5%
45 Ft. Raise Gate 12.5%
30 Ft. Lower Gate 25%
50 Ft. Raise Gate 25%
25 Ft. Lower Gate 37.5%
Salford BBI Inc.
Page 26
Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1