Rate Controller Set-Up Information
In many cases, the Endurance is shipped without any factory installed control system. The following
data will be used when configuring an after-market system.
Control Valve Type =
Servo Valve (fast close)
67 Pulses = one revolution of the rear roller (conveyor sensor cal number)
Chain Travel = 15.75” per revolution of the rear roller
Gate Width = actual measurement of the gate opening
Calculating CFR
The following formula can be used to calculate the CFR:
D x W x H = Cubic Foot Per Revolution
D = Chain Travel Per Revolution of Rear Roller
W = Width of the gate opening
H = Gate Height in inches (usually 1”).
Calculating Spreader Constant
To calculate a spreader constant, first calculate the CFR using the gate height
appropriate for the application at hand. Next, divide your conveyor sensor pulse
count by the CFR. This will yield the spreader constant for the respective gate
**A new constant will need to be calculated each and every time the gate height
is changed.
Salford BBI Inc.
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Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1