Setting Fan Speed on Hydraulic Oil Cooler
The valve to the right is located on the front of
the spreader and is used to adjust the fan speed
on the hydraulic oil cooler.
The fan speed should be pre-set at the
factory and no adjustment should need to be
made to this valve.
If for any reason the cooler fan must be
turned off, it is extremely important to make
sure the adjustment knob is only backed out
ONE round from the off position to return
the fan speed to normal operation. The off
position is where the valve is completely
closed (knob bottomed out against lock
ring). In certain circumstances, such as
high rate and ground speed applications,
the knob may be turned an additional 1/4
revolution. Failure to adjust this properly
will result in motor seal failure and will void
the warranty on the motor.
Salford BBI Inc.
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Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1