Page 9
13 ½”
11" min.
to side wall
Figure 6: Framing dimensions
These framing dimensions are larger than required for
ease of installation. The fireplace has a minimum clear-
ance of 0" to standoffs. (See unit dimensions Figure 18)
Use the provide framing guide to frame
the front of the fireplace
1. Note the location of roof and floor joists. Choose a
location that does not require cutting them.
2. If at all possible, run the chimney up the inside of the
house. If it must be run up outside, it should be enclosed
in an insulated enclosure (see Chase Enclosure).
Remember, a cold chimney causes poor draft!
Ceiling clearance is the distance from the top of the fire-
place to the ceiling.
Under no circumstances is the distance between the ceil-
ing firestop and the top of the framing guide to be less than
38 inches.
After the fireplace is correctly positioned, connect the com-
bustion air inlet duct to the outside. A 4 inch diameter can
be use if the total run of the pipe is less than 25 feet. If the
total run is longer than 25 feet, a 5 inch diameter flexible
pipe must be used.
1. Use the side or back outside air outlet.
2. Find a convenient location for the combustion air duct
and intake air hood. The location of the intake air hood
may be above or below floor level (see Figure 7). Under
no circumstances should the combustion air inlet be placed
in attic spaces.
3. Make a 4 1/4" (5 1/4" if using a 5" diameter duct) hole in
the outside wall of the house. Mount the register in the
hole from the outside with the inlet facing down.
4. Place the flexible duct over the intake air hood tube.
Carefully pull back the insulation and plastic cover, expos-
ing the flexible duct. Then at each end, attach the duct with
metal screws to the inlet and tube. Carefully push the insu-
lation and cover back over the duct. Tape the plastic cover
to the end of flexible duct in place with a 2" aluminium duct
CAUTION: When running duct around corners, make cer-
tain no crimping that would restrict the combustion air flow
You must use an insulated duct rated at over 200°F. Our
testing has shown that as long as the 5" diameter insula-
ted duct is utilised properly, there is no restriction on the
outside air connection 2"
aluminum duct tape
insulated flexible air duct
outside wall
outside air
Figure 7 : Outside air connection and installation options