Using the
keys display the
required baud rate.
01 = 110 baud
03 = 300 baud
06 = 600 baud
12 = 1200 baud
24 = 2400 baud
2400 baud rate set
The displayed option will flash
indicating that it has been set.
Press the
key to display
Pakscan Baud Rate
The IQT actuator has the facility to accept 4 auxiliary inputs (AUX1–AUX4). These
are used when supplementary remote control or digital auxiliary inputs are required
in addition to the standard control and feedback features incorporated into the
Pakscan card. It is also possible to have a combination of both remote control and
volt-free inputs to provide, for example, open and close control as well as a high
and low tank level alarm indication, supplied via an external transducer.
The hexadecimal number displayed under PF can be considered as a ‘‘software
mask’’. It is this mask that tells the Pakscan card what type of input to expect,
control or input signal, and what form the input will be, normally open or normally
(refer to page 72 for Binary, Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion Table)
To decipher the mask the number needs to be split into two separate hexadecimal
characters, each of which can be sub-divided into 4 binary bits. The first 4 bits
represent the function and the second 4 represent the input source (known as
invert). Pictorially this can be represented as:
Left side hex character
Right side hex character
Aux 4 to 1 (function)
AUX 4 to 1 (Invert)
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
When used for remote control of the actuator bits 4 to 1 of the function character
have been designated as follows:
Bit 4 (AUX4)
Bit 3 (AUX3)
Bit 2 (AUX2)
Bit 1 (AUX1)
(When used for digital signal inputs they are simply designated as AUX 4 to AUX 1)
Pakscan Remote
Auxiliary Input