background image

– 63 –

1. General information

–  Carefully read the user manual and the mounting instructions 

before installing this device and putting it into operation. 
These contain important information for mounting and using 
the device.

–  This device is only suitable for household use.
–  Check the status of the device and the mounting materials 

as soon as you have unpacked them. Carefully remove the 
device from the packaging. Do not use sharp knives to open 
the packaging. Do not install the device when damaged; 
should it be damaged, contact Novy.

–  Store this manual carefully and pass it on to the next person 

to use the device after you.

–  Store the stickers with the serial number of the device 

carefully. You will need this serial number when reporting a 
problem with the device.

–  Recycling the transport packaging and the old device: 
The materials used are not hazardous to the environment and 
suitable for recycling. Choose an environment-friendly way 
to dispose of the packaging. The device also contains many 
recyclable materials.
Therefore separate used devices from other waste. In this way, 
the recycling of the devices organised by the manufacturer is 
carried out under the best conditions in accordance with the 
European directive 2002/96/EG concerning electrical and 
electronic waste. Ask your municipality or dealer for the nearest 
collection place for your old devices.

This manual makes use of a number of symbols. The meanings 
of these symbols are given below.

Symbol Meaning



Explanation of an indication on the 





This symbol indicates an important 

tip or a dangerous situation

Follow these instructions to avoid injury and material damage.

2 Safety

2.1  Precautions for use of the device

–  Remove all labels and stickers from the glass.
–  Do not modify or change the unit.
–  The cooking plate must not be used as a base or work 


–  Safety can only be guaranteed if the unit is connected to an 

earth wire in accordance with the required regulations.

–  Do not use an extension cord for connecting to the electricity 


2.2  Using the device

–  Before the first use, clean the glass plate with a damp cloth 

and dry it off. Do not use detergent; this can result in a bluish 
haze appearing.

–  Metal objects such as knives, forks, spoons and covers must 

not be placed on the glass cooking surface because it can 
become hot.

–  Ensure electrical cables from fixed or mobile devices do 

not come into contact with the hot cooking surface or a hot 
cooking pan.

–  Use only suitable cooking pots/pans. Other materials may 

melt or catch fire.

–  Never cover the device with a cloth or a protective sheet. This 

could cause it to overheat or catch fire.

–  Turn off the heat source after use.
–  Always take care with recipes that contain oils and fats 

because these can catch fire quickly.

–  Magnetically-sensitive items (credit card, smartphone, etc.) 

must not be in the immediate vicinity of the working device.

–  Beware of burns both during and after the use of the device.
–  Children under the age of 8 years, people with limited 

psychological and/or mental abilities, as well as people 
with insufficient knowledge, can only use this device under 
supervision or if they have been trained in the safe use of 
this device.

–  The device is not intended for use by people with diminished 

physical, sensory or mental capacities, or people who lack 
experience and knowledge, unless they are under supervision 
or have been given instructions about the safe use of the 
device from someone responsible for their safety.

–  Children must be accompanied to be sure they do not play 

with the device.

2.3  Precautions against damage

–  Damaged cooking pans or cooking pans with rough bases 

(cast iron without enamelling) can cause damage to the glass.

–  Sand or other abrasive materials may cause damage to the 


–  Do not allow items (even small ones) to fall on the glass.
–  Avoid the impact of cooking pans against the edge of the 


–  Ensure the device ventilation is installed in accordance with 

the instructions of the manufacturer.

–  Do not place or leave empty cooking pans on the hob.
–  Avoid contact of sugar, synthetic substances or aluminium 

foil with the hot zones. These substances can crack or affect 
the vitro ceramic surface while it cools down: switch off the 
appliance and remove them immediately from the hot zones 
(beware: risk of burns)

–  Risk of burns! Do not place items on the hob.
–  Never place a hot pan on the control zone.
–  If there is a drawer under the built-in device, ensure there is 

1821_110131_GA1.indd   63

20/08/20   09:40

Læs betjeningsvejledningen nøje, inden du installe-

rer og bruger apparatet. Dette dokument indeholder 

installations- og brugsoplysninger.

•  Kontroller apparatets tilstand, og læs alt installations-

materiale, før monteringen begynder. Fjern forsigtigt 

apparatet fra dens emballage. Vær forsigtig, når du 

bruger en skarp kniv, når du åbner emballagen.

•  Apparatet må kun anvendes i private husholdninger. 



•  Opbevar denne brugermanual til fremtidige ejere

Pas godt på mærkaten med produktets serienummer. 

Du skal bruge dette serienummer, hvis du har brug for 

at rapportere en defekt i dit produkt.

Genbrug transportemballagen og den gamle enhed

•  Affaldshåndtering af emballagen og det gamle apparat: 

Det nye apparat transporteres med en beskyttende 

emballage. Alt anvendt materiale er miljøvenligt og kan 

genbruges. Du kan hjælpe os ved at bortskaffe embal-

lagen på en miljøvenlig måde.

•  Gamle apparater er ikke værdiløst affald. Værdifulde 

råvarer kan genvindes, hvis de indsendes til genvin-

ding. Denne enhed overholder EU-direktiv 2002/96 / 

EF om bortskaffelse af elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr 

(WEEE). Kontakt din forhandler eller lokale myndighe-

der for mere information. 

Denne manual bruger forskellige symboler. Se beskri-

velse nedenfor.

Symbol Betydning




Læs instruktioner-

ne omhyggeligt

Dette symbol angiver en 

farlig situation

Følg anvisningerne omhyggeligt for at undgå skader 

på personer og materiale.



2.1 Forholdsregler inden brug

2.2 Brug af apparatet

Før første brug, vask glasset med en fugtig klud og tør 

derefter. Brug ikke vaskemidler, da dette kan forårsa-

ge, at glasset har en blålig belægning.
Metalgenstande som knive, gafler, skeer og låg må 

ikke placeres på glaspladen, da disse kan blive varme.

Vær forsigtig, så ingen ledninger til faste eller løse 

apparater kommer i kontakt med glaspladen eller de 

varme gryter og pander.

Brug kun egnede pander / gryder. Andre materialer kan 

smelte og begynde at brænde.

Dæk aldrig apparatet med en klud eller beskyttelses-

plade. De kan blive meget varme og antænde.
Sluk for kogezoner efter brug.
Hold øje med maden, når du laver mad i fedt eller olie. 

Dette kan antændes hurtigt. 

Magnetiske genstande (kreditkort, disketter, regne-

maskiner) bør ikke placeres i nærheden af apparatet, 

når det er tændt.

Pas på ikke at forbrænde dig selv under eller efter brug 

af apparatet.

Enheden er ikke beregnet til brug af personer med begræn-

set fysisk, sensorisk eller mental kapacitet eller personer, 

der mangler erfaring og viden, medmindre de overvåges 

eller instrueres i sikker brug af enheden af   en person, der er 

ansvarlig for deres sikkerhed. 

Børn skal overvåges for at sikre, at de ikke leger med 


Dette apparat kan bruges af børn, der er 8 år eller ældre, 

såvel som af personer med nedsat motoriske, fysiske eller 

mentale begrænsninger eller manglende erfaring og viden, 

så længe de er under opsyn og modtager vejledning. 

Brugsanvisningen til apparatet skal følges på en sikker 

måde, så de forstår farerne, der kan opstå.

2.3 Forholdsregler for at forhindre beskadigelse af 


Kedelbunder, der mangler emalje eller beskadigede 

gryder (støbejernsgryder, der mangler emalje) kan 

beskadige den keramiske glasoverflade.  

Sand eller andre slibende materialer kan beskadige 

den keramiske glasoverflade.
Undgå at tabe selv små genstande på kogepladen.

Sørg for ikke at dyppe ned i glassets kanter med pan-

Sørg for, at apparatets ventilation er i overensstemmel-

se med producentens instruktioner.
Anbring ikke tomme pander på kogepladen.

Sukker, syntetiske materialer eller aluminiumsfolie må ikke 

komme i kontakt med kogezoner. Dette kan forårsage 

skade eller andre ændringer, når glasoverfladen køler ned. 

Sluk om nødvendigt for apparatet, og fjern det straks fra 

kogezonen. (vær forsigtig med ikke at brænde).

ADVARSEL: Brandfare. Anbring ikke genstande på madlav-


•  Fjern alle etiketter og klistermærker fra glasset. 

•  Foretag ikke ændringer i apparatet.

•  Kogepladen kan ikke bruges frit eller som arbejds-


•  Apparatet skal være jordet og tilsluttet i overens-

stemmelse med lokale regler.

•  Brug ikke en forlængerledning.

Placer aldrig varme genstande på kontrolpanelet.

- 36 -

Summary of Contents for NOVY PANORAMA POWER 1821

Page 1: ...1 DE Bedienungsanleitung S 41 EN User manual p 61 1821 Novy Panorama Pro 1831 Novy Panorama Power 1841 Novy Panorama Power 1821 110131 GA1 NO Brukermanual s 2 SE Anv ndarmanual s 18 DK Brugermanual s...

Page 2: ...NO Bruksanvisning 5913 Panorama Pro 1821 110131 GC1...

Page 3: ...connection 73 8 Cooking advice 73 9 Cleaning and maintenance 74 9 1 Maintenance of the hob 74 9 2 Maintenance of the extraction hood 75 9 2 1 Cleaning after use 75 9 2 2 Cleaning the grease filters 75...

Page 4: ...r arbeidsflate Sikkerhet kan bare garanteres hvis enheten er koblet til en jordingskabel i samsvar med de n dvendige forskriftene Ikke bruk skj teledning for koble til str mnettet 2 2 Bruke enheten F...

Page 5: ...or bruk med induksjonsplater dekkes ikke av garantibetingelsene Produsenten kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for skade p platen og omgivelsene som dette medf rer 3 BESKRIVELSE AV ENHETEN Enheten er en induks...

Page 6: ...t r vanligvis ved matlaging med kokekar som best r av lag av forskjellige materialer og n r to kokesoner ved siden av hverandre brukes samtidig ved maks effekt Plystrelyden forsvinner eller blir svake...

Page 7: ...the hob even easier When you place a pan on the hob it is automatically detected You will also see a 0 to show you which slider to use for the zone in question The pan detection ensures optimum safet...

Page 8: ...or 2 zones at the same time use a combination of zone A1 or A2 and B1 or B2 5 3 5 Timer function The timer function allows all cooking zones to be used simultaneously for different periods of time 0 t...

Page 9: ...Hold varm funksjon Etter noen sekunder blinker ikke LED lampen lenger min Tiden er valgt og nedtellingen har startet Etter noen sekunder blinker ikke LED lampen lenger min Tiden er valgt og nedtellin...

Page 10: ...ed Switch off lower extraction tower position Extraction speed indication Cleaning indication for grease filter Cleaning indication for recirculation filter optional Preset extraction function Extract...

Page 11: ...n out function This function starts at the end of cooking For a fixed time the remaining cooking vapours will be extracted from the kitchen by the extraction tower at low extraction mode and at a heig...

Page 12: ...ufacturers will state whether their products are suitable for induction In order to ensure your pans are suitable Pour a little water in a pan and place it on an induction cooking zone set to 9 The wa...

Page 13: ...the hob as described under Cleaning glass hob Grains of dirt sand may fall on the cooking plate while peeling potatoes or washing vegetables and may cause scratches when moving the pans Therefore ensu...

Page 14: ...t grease filter Clean in dishwasher or immerse in hot water containing degreasing detergent L WARNING If the instructions described above are not followed residue in the filter may cause a fire Misfar...

Page 15: ...laten og koble til igjen Ta kontakt med serviceavdelingen I I Se kapittel 5 3 7 Stop Go 5913 Er03 Kontrollertastene er dekket av v ske eller en del Symbolet blir borte n r en av tastene frigis eller r...

Page 16: ...t virker som det skal Sjekk lufttilf rselen Straks kokeventilatoren er sl tt p p se at luft tilf res ved pne risten i vinduene eller ved pne et vindu Sjekk kanalen for blokkeringer eller innsnevringer...

Page 17: ...ON Trykk p I I OFF Trykk p I I L se kontrolleren ON OFF Trykk p i seks sekunder Velg timeren Trykk samtidig p og p timeren Reduser tiden trykk p p timeren k tiden trykk p p timeren Sl av timerfunksjon...

Page 18: ...NO Bruksanvisning 5913 Panorama Pro 1821 110131 GC1 18 SE Anv ndarmanual...

Page 19: ...ance of the hob 74 9 2 Maintenance of the extraction hood 75 9 2 1 Cleaning after use 75 9 2 2 Cleaning the grease filters 75 9 2 3 Cleaning in the event of spillage into the device 76 10 Troubleshoot...

Page 20: ...Risk of burns Do not place items on the hob Never place a hot pan on the control zone If there is a drawer under the built in device ensure there is L s bruksanvisningen noga innan du installerar och...

Page 21: ...Total power 7400 6700 7400 W Energy consumption of the EChob cooking plate 187 4 177 8 177 6 Wh kg Dimensions of cooking zone front left 240x200 280 185 mm Detection cooking pan 100 100 100 mm Normal...

Page 22: is switched on This fan cools the electronics at intensive use of the hob When the temperature is too high the fan will keep running after the hob has been switched off 3 4 Global overview 1 2 3...

Page 23: ...lectronics will return to the wait position 5 3 2 Pan detection This hob is equipped with an interactive control system that makes use of the hob even easier When you place a pan on the hob it is auto...

Page 24: ...eriods of time 0 to 99 minutes for each zone Timer function Setting or changing the cooking time Display Select the power by gliding your finger over the slider 1 P Select the timer Press and on the t...

Page 25: ...ekunder f r programmerad kokzonsrela terad timer Keep warm funktion Starteffekt funktion Efter n gra sekunder slutar displayen min att blinka Tidsinst llningen bekr ftas och nedr kningen startar Efter...

Page 26: ...extraction tower position Decrease extraction speed Increase extraction speed Switch off lower extraction tower position Extraction speed indication Cleaning indication for grease filter Cleaning ind...

Page 27: ...function This function starts at the end of cooking For a fixed time the remaining cooking vapours will be extracted from the kitchen by the extraction tower at low extraction mode and at a height of...

Page 28: ...thout magnetic base copper brass ceramics porcelain The manufacturers will state whether their products are suitable for induction In order to ensure your pans are suitable Pour a little water in a pa...

Page 29: ...his clean the hob as described under Cleaning glass hob Grains of dirt sand may fall on the cooking plate while peeling potatoes or washing vegetables and may cause scratches when moving the pans Ther...

Page 30: filter Clean in dishwasher or immerse in hot water containing degreasing detergent L WARNING If the instructions described above are not followed residue in the filter may cause a fire Missf rgning...

Page 31: ...erheated the hob also has an automatic power reducer and automatic shut down in the event of overheating The fan continues to operate after the hob has switched off this is not a defect the fan is pro...

Page 32: ...rial number here Automatisk tillagningskontroll verkar inte fungera Kokzonen r fortfarande varmt H Maximal niv r p 9 matlagningsniv n r p slagen med 9 2 Indikatorer p k ksfl kten Efterk rningsfunktion...

Page 33: ...N 30 cm Trykk i 2 sekunder p Endre vifteposisjon HEVE Trykk p SENKE Vifte Ettergangsfunksjon Sl av Vifte Ettergangsfunksjon Sl av ETTERGANGSFUNKSJON Trykk i 2 sekunder p Avtrekkst rnet lukkes dermed a...

Page 34: ...34 NO Bruksanvisning 5913 Panorama Pro 1821 110131 GC1 DK Brugermanual...

Page 35: advice 73 9 Cleaning and maintenance 74 9 1 Maintenance of the hob 74 9 2 Maintenance of the extraction hood 75 9 2 1 Cleaning after use 75 9 2 2 Cleaning the grease filters 75 9 2 3 Cleaning in th...

Page 36: ...le it cools down switch off the appliance and remove them immediately from the hot zones beware risk of burns Risk of burns Do not place items on the hob Never place a hot pan on the control zone If t...

Page 37: ...ons of the induction hob Type 1821 1831 1841 Total power 7400 6700 7400 W Energy consumption of the EChob cooking plate 187 4 177 8 177 6 Wh kg Dimensions of cooking zone front left 240x200 280 185 mm...

Page 38: ...onics at intensive use of the hob When the temperature is too high the fan will keep running after the hob has been switched off 3 4 Global overview 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 1 Upper glass extraction to...

Page 39: ...e wait position 5 3 2 Pan detection This hob is equipped with an interactive control system that makes use of the hob even easier When you place a pan on the hob it is automatically detected You will...

Page 40: used simultaneously for different periods of time 0 to 99 minutes for each zone Timer function Setting or changing the cooking time Display Select the power by gliding your finger over the slider...

Page 41: ...timer Increase the time 001 002 press on the timer After a few seconds the LED no longer flashes min The time has been selected and the countdown has begun Switch off the timer function Select the tim...

Page 42: ...wer 6 1 Extractor hood control panel Extraction control Switch on lift extraction tower position Decrease extraction speed Increase extraction speed Switch off lower extraction tower position Extracti...

Page 43: vapours will be extracted from the kitchen by the extraction tower at low extraction mode and at a height of 10 cm When recirculation is selected the recirculation filters are also dried Therun out...

Page 44: ...aluminium and stainless steel without magnetic base copper brass ceramics porcelain The manufacturers will state whether their products are suitable for induction In order to ensure your pans are suit...

Page 45: ...melted plastics are best removed immediately while still hot with a glass scraper After this clean the hob as described under Cleaning glass hob Grains of dirt sand may fall on the cooking plate whil...

Page 46: a left and a right grease filter Clean in dishwasher or immerse in hot water containing degreasing detergent L WARNING If the instructions described above are not followed residue in the filter may...

Page 47: ...overheated the hob also has an automatic power reducer and automatic shut down in the event of overheating The fan continues to operate after the hob has switched off this is not a defect the fan is...

Page 48: ...e Automatisk tilberedningskontrol ser ikke ud til at fungere Kogezonen er stadig varm H Maksimumniveau er t ndt 9 tilberedningsniveauet er t ndt med 9 2 Indikatorer p emh tten Efterk rselsfunktion akt...

Page 49: ...Sl av Vifte Ettergangsfunksjon Sl av ETTERGANGSFUNKSJON Trykk i 2 sekunder p Avtrekkst rnet lukkes dermed automatisk etter 10 30 minutter SL AV trykk en gang til p Forh ndsinnstilt avtrekksfunksjon T...

Page 50: ...50 NO Bruksanvisning 5913 Panorama Pro 1821 110131 GC1 EN User Manual...

Page 51: ...3 5 Timer function 69 5 3 6 Programming auto heat up 70 5 3 7 Stop Go function 70 5 3 8 Recall function 70 5 3 9 Keep warm function 71 5 3 10 Bridge function 71 5 3 11 Grill function 71 5 3 12 Locking...

Page 52: and dry it off Do not use detergent this can result in a bluish haze appearing Metal objects such as knives forks spoons and covers must not be placed on the glass cooking surface because it can be...

Page 53: ...dings that result from this 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE The device is an induction cooking plate with integrated worktop extraction The induction hob has 4 cooking zones with an integrated ventilation...

Page 54: ...of the cooking utensils Humming This occurs when cooking at a higher power and this is caused by the amount of energy that is transferred from the hob to the cooking utensils The noise disappears or...

Page 55: ...on is suspended when the pan is removed from the cooking zone during cooking The symbol will flash on the display The symbol will disappear when the pan is placed back onto the cooking surface The coo...

Page 56: ...and the countdown has begun Switch off the timer function Select the timer Display Press the cooking zone selection button Press and at the same time The lamp for that zone lights up Stop the timer 00...

Page 57: ...the various functions Touching the control key operates the function Activating a function will cause a light reading and or sound signal to be displayed WARNING Do not push multiple control keys simu...

Page 58: ...wer on and off Switch on power Display Glide your finger over the slider to the end or push the end of the slider P Switch on Super Power P Press the end of the slider again Switch off Super Power P 0...

Page 59: ...ted cooking time is up the display will flash 000 a beep will be heard and the cooking zone will turn off To stop the audible signal and the flashing press or on the timer 5 3 6 Programming auto heat...

Page 60: ...h bridge function off 0 Simultaneously press Keep warm control key of the 2 zones to be linked 5 3 11 Grill function This special cooking function optimises heating and warming in a cast iron pot gril...

Page 61: ...before re entering the kitchen To set the device in recirculation mode default setting press and hold the key combination and and for 3 seconds when the extraction tower is closed The led next to the...

Page 62: ...cation Reset press the control key for 3 seconds when the extraction tower is completly downwards 7 2 Replacement indicator recirculation filter only with recirculation Indication LED next to lights A...

Page 63: ...Steaks omelettes water 9 Cooking Bringing large quantities of water to the boil P 9 Cleaning and maintenance Follow all instructions described in the Safety chapter Before cleaning check the cooking p...

Page 64: ...the extraction tower L INFO Do not place the top glass on a switched on hob to avoid heating Clean with a damp cloth or sponge use of a pH neutral detergent is possible Wipe dry with a dry cloth kitc...

Page 65: ...ic system is disrupted Disconnect and reconnect the hob Call the after sales service I I See Chapter 5 3 7 Stop Go 1821 Er03 The controller keys are covered by liquid or an item The symbol will disapp...

Page 66: ...suction opening must be clear Check the grease filter Follow the cleaning indication On average the filter must be cleaned every two weeks to ensure the extraction works correctly Check the air supply...

Page 67: ...ncrease the time Press Switch off the timer function Press the cooking zone selection button Press and at the same time Stop the timer Press until timer is set to 00 Using the timer without cooking Sw...

Page 68: ...g the controller ON OFF For 6 seconds press Select the timer Press and simultaneously on the timer Reduce the time press on the timer Increase the time press on the timer Switch off the timer function...
