G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 5 Application / Technical Notes
Find the IP Addresses of Other Aurora(s) on the Network
If you are logged into one Aurora array, and want to find out the addresses of
other Aurora arrays on the same network, you can do the following:
1) Expand the Webmin group on the left, if it is not already.
2) Under the Webmin group, left-click on Webmin Servers Index.
3) At the top, left-click on the button which reads Broadcast for servers.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.
Adding/Deleting/Changing Webmin Users
You can create other users/logins for Webmin, without having to create Linux
users. This is done as follows:
1) Expand the Webmin group on the left, if it is not already.
2) Under the Webmin group, left-click on Webmin Users.
3) At the top, you will see a table of users. You can either left-click on the link
above or below the table, which reads Create a new Webmin User, if you
would like to create a user. To delete a user, you can left-click to turn on
the checkbox next to the user name, then left-lick on the Delete Selected
button at the bottom. You can edit information for a user by just left-clicking
on their user name.
4) If you are creating a user, the screen will change. Enter the Username and
password at the top, then scroll down to the bottom and left-click on the
Create button.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.