G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Management
This screen shows a lot of information. It shows Ethernet ports, Fibre Channel
ports, and Infiniband Ports. (Note: In the example above, one Fibre client and
one Infiniband client are shown).
In the top table, we see the Ethernet ports which can be used to remotely
manage the array. The current port name and IP address are shown for each
port. In the DHCP dropdown, “y” indicates that DHCP is being used. If you
wish to enable DHCP, change the dropdown to y, clear the IP address and
subnet mask on the right, then left-click on the Update button on the left. If you
wish to set a static IP address, change the DHCP dropdown to n, type the IP
address and subnet mask
The middle table shows information relating to Fibre channel. The model of
each port is shown, along with it's WWN#, the Link status, and link speed. The
text field at the bottom along with Update Optional FC Card Parameters is
used to change special settings on the Fibre Channel card within the array.
in the fields on the right, then left-click on the
Update button on the left.
The bottom table shows Infiniband-related information. Going from left to right,
you can see the port number, physical state, port state, and data rate.
The Return to NumaRAID GUI Main Page link at the bottom is used to return
to the NumaRAID Main GUI screen.