G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 4 Troubleshooting Guide
used exists, and check to make sure the initiators exist, and that the user in
question is assigned to that LUN, or that no initiators exist. If you had to
troubleshoot going the other way, if the client is running OS/X, make sure the
Fibre card/drivers are working by going into Apple System Profiler. If it is
Linux, do an lsmod to find the Fibre driver. If it is Windows, go into the device
manager, and make sure you can see the Fibre channel card under Storage
devices, and that there is no yellow or red exclamation point next to it. If this is
Linux, do an lsscsi to see if you can see the LUN. If it is Windows, go into Disk
Management and see if you can see the LUN. If it is OS/X, go into Apple Disk
Utility. At this point, if the array is all set correctly, and the client seems OK,
you may have a hardware problem. Check the LEDs on the array and the
client – they should indicate a link at the speed of the client’s adapter. If not,
there might be a bad cable, SFP, or HBA.
Infiniband Based Clients
Infiniband cabling and troubleshooting is a little more software-intensive and
less hardware-intensive than Fibre. Here’s a diagram:
In the example above, two clients are shown connected to an Infiniband
switch. Notice the difference between the clients – one is running OpenSM. If
the clients were instead each connected to different ports on the array, both
would have to be running OpenSM. With one client, a switch is not necessary.
If you examine this diagram, ignoring the 2
client, you see a straight chain
formed from components, going from RAID to the drivers on the client. Going
from left to right, you have to have a RAID in order to have a LUN. You then
have to have a LUN. The user and initiator are optional, however if one initiator
exists, unless it is the one you are trying to connect, the one you are trying to
connect must also exist – either that or no initiators must exist. Because
Infininband doesn’t use targets like Fibre, it doesn’t matter what port is used by