G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Management
Scan / Performance Results
When you click the ‘Scan / See Performance Stats’ button on the RAID Details
page, the performance page opens as the example above shows.
This is a very important screen which can help troubleshoot problematic hard
drives: At the top, the RAID Details table shows the name of the selected
RAID, the cache size (in Megabytes), the number of cache stripes, the RAID
size (in Gigabytes), the RAID Level (0 or 6), the device count (the number of
devices which make up the RAID), and the overall RAID status. RAID Surface
scan will be discussed later.
Real Time Response times are displayed for Read and Write operations. Each
drive belonging to the RAID drive is shown with it's by-id device name. The
upper table represents reads, the lower table represents writes. The numbers
at the top of the table columns are times in milliseconds. For example, the first
column indicates 0-15 milliseconds, the second indicates 16-31 milliseconds,
and so forth. The numbers below are quantities of sectors. The numbers
reflected in the tables are either since the system was booted, or since the last
time the tables were reset. In the example above, the first drive has a 1 in the
0-15 column in the Read table. This indicates that it has read 1 sector, and
that it took between 0 and 15 milliseconds to read that sector.
Below the two tables, is a Reset Performance Response Counters button,
which is used to reset the tables, and a Return to NumaRAID GUI Main Page
link which returns to the Main GUI Screen. It is ideal, that before you run the
test, that you left-click on the Reset Performance Response Counters button at
the bottom, eliminating any accumulated numbers from previous tests or
normal array operations.