G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 2 Basic Setup
Installing InfiniBand HCA and drivers on Aurora Linux Clients
InfiniBand drivers for Linux are free and are provided as the Open Fabrics
Linux version of OFED.
: You have to be logged in as root on the client to install OFED.
OFED can be obtained from:
Click on “Download the validated Linux software stack (OFED)”.
The current version at the time of this writing was 1.4 – it will be used for the
examples. This version will change so expect that version is your results of the following commands.
Save the OFED file into /root, and decompress it by typing (from a terminal
window, logged in as root on the client system):
tar –xzf OFED-1.4.tgz[enter]
This will create a folder named OFED-1.4, type the following to start the
cd OFED-1.4[enter]
You will see the following menu:
From this menu, press the [
] key. A different menu will appear:
From this menu, press the [
] key to start the installation. OFED can take
some time to run (as long as 45 minutes). It may appear to lock up several