Controller functions
Page 31
Temperature range and alloy
This parameter selects both the temperature range and
the heatsealing element alloy. You can overwrite the
setting of the rotary coding switch by changing the
default value (10).
The settings for a temperature range of 500°C
(value 4) are only available on controllers as
of software revision 100.
The setting „ROPEX visualization software“
(value 9) is available on controllers as of soft-
ware revision 100 and supplied with GSD
Version v2.0.
You must always execute the AUTOCAL
function after changing this parameter.
Lower temperature OK threshold
Lower threshold value for the "OK" window.
Refer section 9.6.5 "Temperature OK (TO)" on page 28
and section 9.7.12 "Temperature diagnosis (as of GSD
Version v2.0)" on page 33).
Upper temperature OK threshold
Upper threshold value for the "OK" window.
Refer section 9.6.5 "Temperature OK (TO)" on page 28
and section 9.7.12 "Temperature diagnosis (as of GSD
Version v2.0)" on page 33).
Variable calibration temperature
The calibration temperature is set to 20°C as default.
You can change it to another value between 0°C and
40°C in order to adapt it to the temperature of the
cooled-down heatsealing element.
Some PROFIBUS masters do not allow the parameter
data to be changed during operation. It is therefore not
possible to adapt the calibration temperature to the pre-
vailing ambient conditions in the machine.
As of software revision 100 (and supplied with GSD
Version v2.0), the calibration temperature can be acti-
vated for setting by means of the input data by selecting
the value "-1" in the parameter data. The calibration
temperature can then be specified via the "Set point/AC
temperature input data (
section 9.5.1 "Automatic
zero calibration "AUTOCAL" (AC)" on page 26).
You do not need to execute the AUTOCAL
function after changing the calibration tem-
Heating time limit
The heating time limit provides additional protection
against unwanted permanent heating. The controller
automatically deactivates the heating impulse after the
set heating time limit has elapsed if the start bit remains
set for longer than the time specified by this limit. The
start bit must be reset before the controller can be
started up again.
The heating time limit is deactivated as default (0), but
can be set to any value between 0s and 9.9s (0 and 99)
in controllers as of software revision 100. In controllers
up to software revision 015 the setting can be up to
5.0s (0 to 50).
TCR = 1700ppm,
optimized for ULTRA-
PULSE heatsealing
TCR = 1700ppm,
optimized for ULTRA-
PULSE heatsealing
PC configuration
(ROPEX visuali-
zation software)
PC configuration
(ROPEX visualiza-
tion software)
Rotary coding
switch setting
Rotary coding switch