Controller functions
Page 28
In contrast with the "RS" bit (RESET), the "MP" bit does
not reset any error message when it is set. The con-
troller is activated again as soon as the bit is reset, in
other words there is no initialization phase.
When the controller is started, it only evalu-
ates the "MP" bit if the system test (including
the functional test of the heating circuit) is suc-
cessful. This can take several 100 ms.
Set point
A set point of up to 300°C or 500°C is allowed, depen-
ding on the selected temperature range
section 9.7.1 "Temperature range and alloy" on
page 31). If you attempt to enter a higher set point, it is
limited to 300°C or 500°C internally.
Output data
The term "output data" refers to the data that is trans-
ferred from the UPT-606 to the PROFIBUS master. It
contains the current actual value and all important infor-
mation about the momentary status of the controller. If
an alarm is signaled, the fault can be diagnosed accu-
rately with the help of the error code.
AUTOCAL active (AA)
The "AA" bit indicates that the AUTOCAL function is
currently executing.
AUTOCAL disabled (AG)
If the "AG" bit is set, the AUTOCAL function is tempo-
rarily disabled. This is the case if "START" is active or
if the heatsealing element is still in the cooling-down
Alarm active (AL)
If the "AL" bit is set, an alarm has been triggered but not
yet reset. The error code provides information about
the exact cause of the fault (
section 9.13 "Error mes-
sages" on page 40).
Temperature reached (TE)
The "TE" bit is set if the actual temperature exceeds
95% of the set temperature. As soon as the control
mode is exited ("ST" bit = 0) or an alarm is signaled
("AL" bit = 1), this status bit is reset again.
Temperature OK (TO)
The UPT-606 checks whether the actual temperature is
within a settable tolerance band ("OK" window) on
either side of the set temperature. The lower
) and upper (
) limits of the tolerance
band can be changed independently of one another by
means of the parameter data (
section 9.7 "Para-
meter data" on page 30). The following settings are
The „TO“ bit is always deactivated.
„Active if Tact = Tset“ (Factory setting)
The „TO“ bit is activated if the actual value is inside
the specified temperature tolerance band. If the
actual temperature is outside the tolerance band the
„TO“ bit is deactivated (see graph below).
Unlike the "Temperature reached" status bit ("TE"
bit), the actual temperature is evaluated indepen-
dently of the control mode.
„Active if Tact = Tset, with latch function
(available as of software revision 100)
A heatsealing cycle starts when the "ST" bit is set.
The "TO" bit is set when the actual temperature rea-
ches the temperature tolerance band for the first
time during a heatsealing cycle. If the actual tempe-
rature leaves the tolerance band again - while the
"ST" bit is still set - the "TO" bit is reset (refer to
Fig. a.). If the actual temperature does not leave the
tolerance band again - while the "ST" bit is still set -
the "TO" bit is not reset until the start of the next
heatsealing cycle (latch function, refer to Fig. b.).
The switching state of the "TO" bit can thus be que-
ried after the "ST" bit has been reset and before the
start of the next heatsealing cycle.
"TO" bit
Actual value