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© 2017 Ropam Elektronik
For service like
e-mail transmission
it is recommended to create a independent e-mail account (eg.
[email protected]) in a proven provider e-mail accounts. Sharing of data to an SMTP server from a
private account can result in unauthorized access to these accounts.
Requirements for SMS control and mobile applications.
For the service via SMS and RopamDroid mobile phone, the smartphone must encode the SMS:
GSM or UNICODE alphabet other formats are not supported!
For RopamDroid applications, your smartphone must have compatible SMS support from the Android
API, and do not have overlays, other SMS intercept apps that have priority for inbox or outbox.
For proper configuration and operation of RopamDroid you need the proper configuration of the
system and knowledge of the data (service):
- knowledge of the phone number of the SIM card installed in the system,
- knowledge of "SMS code / login password for application" and active option: "Possible change of
configuration via SMS", "SMS active control", "send confirmation of SMS command execution"
- to control outputs via RopamDroid, the control setting via SMS for the output is required,
- to control TermostatemGSM is required to run a function of temperature measurements and the
For proper setup and operation of RopamBasic it is required to have adequate knowledge of system
configuration and data (service):
- knowledge of the phone number of the SIM card installed in the system,
- knowledge of "SMS password / application login password" and active option: "Possible remote
programming via GPRS",
- knowledge of the encryption key TCP / IP.
- control via the RopamBasic requires the setting triggered by the "Mobile Application" for the output,
- for controlling the GSM thermostat, it is necessary to start the function of temperature measurement
and thermostat.
Device version
BasicGSM 2 is available in several versions, below is the name and options of the device.
BasicGSM - BOX 2, module equipped with tamper cover: