20 October 2021
RS-500 5K Walk-In Cooler Door Installation and Operation Manual
Section 2.6.2: Infrared Safety Beam System and Exterior Smart Switch
1. Locate the three-wire harness inside the head unit between the motor and the Smart Controller.
2. Route the harness under the motor, through the grommet on the left end plate, and through the large holes in the braces on
the left track, then plug it into the safety beam connector. Coil any excess length and secure it to the inside track frame.
3. Reinstall the cladding on the left track by feeding it at an angle, pushing it upward against the rubber seal at the head unit,
pushing it in toward the track frame, and sliding it toward the track frame at the floor. Secure it using the screws you removed
in Section 2.3.
4. Locate the harness with a 20-pin connector to the right of the Smart Controller.
5. Route the harness through the grommet at the bottom of the right end plate, then route it through the large holes in the
braces on the right track.
6. Plug the 20-pin connector into the receptacle on the back of the switch card.
7. Locate the harness with a 4-pin connector next to the sensor in the right track.
8. Uncoil the harness, then route it up the right track, through the large holes in the track braces, and to the Smart Switch.
9. Plug the harness into the 4-pin receptacle on the back of the Smart Switch, matching the yellow dot on the harness clip to the
yellow dot on the switch card to avoid damaging the switch card.
10. Coil the excess length and secure it to the inside track frame, but leave enough slack for a service loop.
11. Reinstall the cladding on the right track by feeding it at an angle, pushing it upward against the rubber seal at the head unit,
pushing it in toward the track frame, and sliding it toward the track frame at the floor. Secure it using the screws you removed
in Section 2.3.
12. Apply the other moving "Moving Door" label (4501-6312) 1" to the right of the track.