Rockwell Automation Publication 2198-UM001D-EN-P - May 2014
Chapter 10
Kinetix 5500 Safe Torque-off - Integrated Safety
Important Safety Considerations
The system user is responsible for the following:
Validation of any sensors or actuators connected to the system
Completing a machine-level risk assessment
Certification of the machine to the desired EN ISO 13849 performance
level or EN 62061 SIL level
Project management and proof testing performed in accordance with
EN ISO 13849
Safety Application Requirements
Safety application requirements include evaluating probability of failure rates
(PFH), system reaction time settings, and functional verification tests that fulfill
SIL 3 criteria.
Creating, recording, and verifying the safety signature is also a required part of
the safety application development process. Safety signatures are created by the
safety controller. The safety signature consists of an identification number, date,
and time that uniquely identifies the safety portion of a project. This includes all
safety logic, data, and safety I/O configuration.
For safety system requirements, including information on the safety network
number (SNN), verifying the safety signature, and functional verification tests
refer to the GuardLogix 5570 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual,
Category 3 Requirements According to ISO 13849
Safety-related parts are designed with these attributes:
A single fault in any of these parts does not lead to the loss of the safety
A single fault is detected whenever reasonably practicable.
Accumulation of undetected faults can lead to the loss of the safety
function and a failure to remove motion producing power from the motor.
You must read, understand, and fulfill the requirements detailed in this
publication prior to operating a safety system that uses a GuardLogix
controller and 2198-H
-ERS2 servo drive.