Bump Testing an Instrument with Special Sensors • 42
saved bump test and calibration records to a USB flash drive.
19. Disconnect the charger cable, if connected, and the gas out to EAGLE 2 line
from the EAGLE 2.
20. Remove the EAGLE 2 from the SDM-E2.
21. If you wish to calibrate additional instruments, repeat step 5 - step 20 above
for each additional instrument.
Bump Testing an Instrument
with Special Sensors
When a bump test is performed, the SDM-E2 performs a fresh air adjustment on an
EAGLE 2 and then applies calibration gas to the instrument. The docking station then
analyzes the response results based on criteria defined by the bump test check
tolerance parameter and determines if the instrument passed the bump test. The
bump test check tolerance is defined in “Bump Test Check Tolerance (CHECK)” on
page 14. If the automatic calibration parameter is set to on, then the SDM-E2 will
automatically perform a calibration if the bump test fails.
Instruments that have one or more special sensors installed need one or more gas
cylinders to connect to the GAS 2 fitting. Be sure that you have the required
calibration cylinders for your sensors. If you are using a 5-gas cylinder for a special
sensor, be sure that the gas inlet parameters are appropriately assigned as described
in “Setting the Gas Inlet Parameters” on page 22. If your EAGLE 2 has an IR sensor
installed, see “Appendix A: Bump Testing and Calibrating EAGLE 2s with IR Sensors”
on page 84 for a brief description of operation specific to IR sensors.
If you wish to calibrate only the standard four sensors or only the
special sensors, be sure that the Gas Inlet Parameters are set
appropriately as described in “Setting the Gas Inlet Parameters” on
page 22.
Do the following to perform a bump test:
1. Confirm that the AC Adapter is connected to the SDM-E2 and to an AC wall
2. Press and hold the SDM-E2’s POWER button. The LEDs will turn amber.
3. When the BUMP
and CAL
LEDs turn off, release the POWER button.
4. The COPY LED will be off or on steadily and the CHARGE LED will be blinking
green if the SDM-E2 is operating properly or solid red if there is a system
failure. The amount of free memory in the SDM-E2 will dictate the condition of
the COPY LED (see “Available Memory in the SDM-E2” on page 69).