RSA3000E User Guide
Indicates the resolution bandwidth.
Center or start
The frequency range of the current sweep channel
can be expressed by the combination of center
frequency and span or the combination of start
frequency and stop frequency.
Y scale
Indicates the scale indication in the Y axis.
: The display of the trace indicator is shown in the following figure:
The first line displays the trace number. The color of the number is the same as that of
the trace.
The second line displays the trace type, including W (Clear/Write), A (Average), M
(Maximum Hold), and m (Minimum Hold). The letters with different colors and in
different forms show different meanings.
The letter in blue indicates that the trace is updating.
The letter in gray indicates that the trace is not updated.
The letter with strikethrough and in gray color indicates that the trace will neither
be updated nor displayed.
The letter with strikethrough and in blue color indicates that the trace is updating
but not displayed. It is useful in trace math operation.
The third line displays the detector type of each trace, including N (Normal), V (Voltage
Average), P (Positive Peak), p (Negative Peak), S (Sample), R (RMS Average), Q (Quasi
Peak, option), and A (Average). If it shows "f", it indicates that it is math operation
trace. The letter in blue in the third line (detector type) indicates that the detector is in
auto state; the letter in white indicates that it is in manual state.
RTSA Mode User Interface
The user interface of RTSA mode is shown in the following figure.
Trace Number
Trace Type
Detector Type