1.5.2 : IO Modules
Rigel Engineering’s VP3500 may host any combination of PMC and XMC cards. Each PMC/XMC has a pluggable
IO module that route either XMC or PMC single-ended IO signals to the VPX backplane per VITA specification 46.9.
These modules are ordered separately and should be installed on the VP3500 conduction-cooled models at the
factory as these modules are seated under the conduction-cooled heat frame. Air-cooled models may be installed
by the customer.
Rigel Engineering also offers custom-designed IO modules for customer-specific routing requirements. Please
contact Rigel Engineering for ordering and additional information on obtaining custom IO modules.
The standard IO modules offered are for PMC and XMC VITA 46.9 applications.
Figure 3 : Picture of IO Module
Standard IO Module Ordering Information
• For XMC applications please order the IM3500-0000.
• For PMC applications please order the IM3500-0001.
Note: No IO modules are required if using PMC/XMC front panel access only.
VP3500 User Manual • Document Number 101-3500-0001 • Revision A0
Property of Rigel Engineering, LLC. Confidential & Proprietary
690 Cone Park Court, Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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