January 2019
3001 W. Canal St., Milwaukee, WI 53208-4200 USA
Supersedes 07-15
Owners Manual
Falk Quadrive Shaft-Mounted Drives Model A
(Page 12 of 53)
Sizes 5407-5608
6 .
— Carefully inspect
polished surface of shaft where the seal makes contact .
If the seal surface shows any sign of a nick, scratch,
spiral swirl or groove, the shaft should be replaced
or refurbished to prevent leakage of the lubricant . (In
many instances the seal surface can be restored by use
of a thin wall wear sleeve . Check with your local seal
supplier and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
installing the wear sleeve .)
7 .
: Protect seal lips from sharp edges of the
keyway by wrapping thin strong paper (Kraft paper)
around the shaft and coating the paper and seal lips
with grease before sliding the seal on or off the shaft.
Do not expand the seal lips more than .030” (0,75 mm)
a . Install seals into seal cages where cages must be
removed from drive:
5407-5507; All types, H .S . seals .
5407 JF & JSC; L .S . seals (output side) .
5608; All types, H .S . & L .S . seals .
Shim-gaskets are used behind seal cages and end
covers to adjust bearings . The correct shim-gasket
pack must be determined prior to seal installation to
attain proper bearing adjustment .
Proceed to Section
, Step 3 for instructions
regarding output side seal cages . Proceed to
, Step 5f for instructions regarding input
side seal cages . Proceed to Section
, Step 6,
bearing adjustment instructions, to determine the
proper shim-gasket pack thickness .
Remove seal cage and install seal as follows:
Note: When removing a seal cage to install a seal,
be sure to use the shim-gasket pack determined
from above to assure correct bearing adjustment .
Coat O .D . of seal with Permatex #3 or equivalent
sealant . Position seal squarely in seal cage with
spring-loaded lip toward drive . Drive or press seal
into cage using a flat faced tool until seated .
Install the complete seal cage shim pack . Carefully
slip seal cage with seal over the shaft . Replace
fasteners and cross tighten to torques listed in Table
14, Section
b . Install seals into seal bores where seal cages may
remain attached to housing:
5407 JF & JSC; L .S . seals (input side) .
5407-5507JR; L .S . seals (input & output sides) .
5415-5507JF; L .S . seals (input & output sides) .
Coat O .D . of seal with Permatex #3 or equivalent
sealant . Carefully slip seal over shaft and position
squarely in seal bore with spring-loaded lip toward
drive . Use a cylindrical square faced tool to drive or
press seal into bore until outer seal wall is seated
0 .14” (3 .5 mm) inside the seal bore outer wall .
: DO NOT seat seal against bearing; a
shoulder is NOT provided for stopping the seal.
Measure seal axial runout with a dial indicator
mounted on the shaft. If the seal axial runout is more
than 0.010” (0.25 mm), tap high side of seal with
installation tool until seal axial runout is 0.010”
(0.25 mm) or less.
8 .
— Review instructions
in Section
for drive installation .
9 . When seals, Ref . #22 & 23 are to be reused
(replacement is recommended), wrap the high-speed
shaft keyway and hollow shaft threads with masking
tape or light weight kraft paper to protect seal lips
during disassembly . Cover wrapping with a light coat
of grease .
10 . Remove backstop parts if so equipped . (For all drives,
note direction of rotation of high-speed shaft for proper
reassembly .)
For sizes 5407 & 5415J14 remove cover Ref . #19,
backstop Ref . #5A and appropriate spacers from
backstop cage . Re-install cage and cover without the
backstop and finger tighten fasteners .
For size 5415J25, remove entire backstop cage .
Disassemble retaining rings and remove backstop . Re-
install cage and cover without the backstop and finger
tighten fasteners .
For sizes 5507 & 5608, remove retaining ring and slide
backstop Ref . #5A off of shaft .
11 . Lay drive on bench with high speed shaft up . Remove
housing cover fasteners, Ref . #33 . Tighten the dowel
nuts to remove the dowels . Screw cap screws into
tapped holes (5/8-11UNC, sizes 5407-5507; 7/8-9UNC,
size 5608) . Tighten cap screws until the seal between
the cover plate and base is completely broken . Screw
eyebolts into tapped holes diagonally opposite in
cover plate . Attach hoist cables and lift cover plate off
housing base .
12 . Remove the shaft assemblies (J05, Ref . #3A & 4A; J14
or J25, Ref . #1A, 2A & 4A) from output housing, Ref .
#10 .
13 . Turn housing on either narrow side . If tapered roller
bearings are being replaced, remove end covers and
seal cage from output side of drive and drive bearing
cups through the bores . Remove bearing cups from
the housing cover in the same manner .
14 . Drive seals out from base and cover bores and seal
cages if replacement is indicated . Remove gasket
material, seal compound and any accumulated foreign
matter from seal joints, bores and adjacent sealing
surfaces . Use a solvent to clean out the housing covers
and shaft assemblies .
15 . If drive is equipped with an internal backstop, check
the shaft surface and the backstop sprags (inside
diameter) for signs of wear . If either component
shows evidence of wear, both should be replaced
(Assemblies Ref . #1A or 3A and 5A) . Also refer to Step
6 for inspection of seal surfaces .