Preliminary crushing set
Pos : 6. 2 / 0025 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. Ü bers chrift en/ 1 Vorz er klei ner ungss et @ 9\ mod_1427295994089_9. doc x @ 77271 @ 1 @ 1
Preliminary crushing set
Pos : 6. 3 / 0025 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Sc hlag mörser Ver wendung @ 9\ mod_1427296156692_9.doc x @ 77284 @ 2 @ 1
Use of the mortar
Pos : 6. 4 / 0005 R ETSCH /0005 RET SCH Bedienungs anl eit ung en Kapi tels ammlungen/ 0005 milling/XRD-Mill McCr one/M odulor dner/ 0030 Vorz er klei ner ungss et XRD-Mill McCrone/ 3005 Ar bei tssc hritt e Vorz er klei ner ungss et @ 9\ mod_1427190602462_9. doc x @ 76898 @ @ 1
Fig. 15: View of the preliminary crushing set
Particles larger than 0.5mm should be crushed in the mortar.
Screw the bottom section (UT) onto the steel container (SB).
Place one grinding body (MK) (either polycrystalline corundum (supplied) or
tungsten carbide (available separately) in the stainless steel cylinder.
Put the sample (PE) in the cylinder and place the other grinding body on top
of the sample.
Guide the steel plunger (SE) up to the second grinding body in the cylinder
and hit the plunger hard several times using a small hammer.
Remove the plunger and empty the contents of the cylinder into a suitable
container. Remove the grinding body.
Sieve the sample through the sieve provided, gently brushing the material to
help it pass through the sieve.
Material that is too coarse to pass through the sieve can be put back into the
mortar for further crushing.
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